Git Bash Review
This is a good enough review of Git Bash terminal commands pwd - (print working directory) present directory ls - list files and folders ls -l - more details cd - change directory *tab - use this for autocompletion cd ../../.. - 3 levels dows cd .. - 1 level down cd ~ - home directory cd - home directory (no parameters) cd " " - directly into any directory echo - display something echo '$PATH' - variable interpolation, show current path cat - show content of a file less - show content, navigable using arrows, press Q to exit touch - create a file mv - rename a file, move a file into another name rm - remove a file *using touch filename simply modifies the current last access time stamp mkdir - make directory mkdir /p - make multilevel directory rm -r -f - force remove a directory recursively if it is not empty exit - exit terminal >> - output to a file > - output to a file, replace the con...