
Showing posts from May, 2018

More Tiles

Why yes, I am fixated. It's what I do. Doing things over and over.

Notebook/Laptop Stickers

Not Much to show off but at least mine does not look messy.

My Personal Website is Up

Image I have been working on this all day yesterday. I initially thought that I may not have all the necessary knowledge to build a site close to what I envision but I do actually. I have to try to find that out myself. This has been possible mostly due to the availability of css grid. I want it to be somewhat minimalist and I think it is kinda cutesy despite the conservative colors I decided to choose.

Header Background

Just created this in Painshop Pro. This color scheme is so me. This is now my  Twitter  background.

To Do (Week 7)

I fell like I am gaining momentum and it's time for me to assess my progress. Current Activities:   - leveling up Javascript   - learning Bash **   - learning Bash Scripting **   - coding in Rust ***   - tinkering on my helloworldsandbox   - blogging (of course) To Do:   - level up CSS   - learn Bootstrap *   - algorithms in Javascript   - learn JQuery   - practice web design (with CSS grids, Bootstrap, freecodecamp challenges) Others: (not priority at this time but are interesting)   - compose my domain landing page   - SASS   - React   - Node.js   - React.js   - Photoshop CC   - Adobe XD   - Vue.js   - Advanced algorithms   --(not priority and not currently interesting)   - level up HTML   - level up CSS   - MongoDB Done:   - Git   - Git Bash   - Emmet   - VS Code   - basic HTML   - basic CSS ...

Should a Newbie Look at the Documentation

I stared at  MDN Javascript Reference . Sure I could click on concepts I'm already familiar with and try expand my knowledge from there but looking at the screen I see so much; concepts beyond my skill level concepts within my skill level that immediately escalates in complexity distracting links wall of texts, noise ... etc etc etc My mana capacity is not deep enough at this moment to stare at these esoteric texts. I really don't think it is a good idea. I'll take a look at it another time when my arcane levels are prolific.


If Upper Camel Case is also known as Pascal case, then why should it not be understood that Camel Case is by default the Lower Camel Case without explicitly stating that it is Lower? But maybe there are people who associate Camel Case to Pascal Case by default. According to this wiki  (I do like this wiki for its simplicity) For CamelCase to work on this wiki as forming a link to a page, it is required that all of the following conditions are met: The first letter is capitalized. One or more letters in that word are also capitalised. The word does not end on a capitalized letter: CamelCasE No two capitalised letters shall follow directly each other: CamelCAse No number in that word at any place: CamelCase1more No dot(.), under_score or dash (-) within the word, only letters: Camel_Case No 'foreign' letters in it like äöüß or accentuated like áéí. CämélCáße I'm a bit perplexed that numbers are not allowed but maybe there is wisdom in it. In any case, I like c...

Ternary Operation in Javascript

I've never bothered using ternary operation because it always seems that something could be written in something more familiar until now The following line of code returns a student grade with the letter equivalent: return `\n You got a ${ letterGrade } \(${ ( rawGrade * 100 ) . toFixed ( 2 ) } % \) ! ` but it kind of bothers me that it gives a grammatically incorrect output if the grade is an a. So I changed the code into this: return `\n You got ${ letterGrade == ' A ' ? ' an ' : ' a '} ${ letterGrade } \(${ ( rawGrade * 100 ) . toFixed ( 2 ) } % \) ! ` Just wrote it from memory and it actually worked! Update (5/20/18): Another one and I'm getting used to this let isValidPassword = function ( password ){ return ( password . length < 8 || password . includes ( ' password ' )) ? false : true } though this one is more elegant let isValidPassword = function ( password ){ return password ...

These Bash Terminal Tutorials

Why? I have always been a fan of using command line terminals. I am in fact proficient with the windows shell. So it only makes sense and for some reason I am liking this Linux environment better and it's fun to use inside the VS Code IDE.

The Dart Language

I've been reading this page from the Dart language website A Tour of the Dart Language I am surprised by how much of the concepts are already familiar to me, considering I have studied C a long time ago. If I have gone in-depth with Javascript, I'm sure even more of these concepts would have been familiar to me. The further I go down the page, the more esoteric the concepts become and I like esoteric.

This Git Tutorial

Git is easy to get started with. I agree especially with a simple tutorial.

Setting Up Dart on VS Code is a Pain

But I did it after 6 hours of trying to figure it out! 😎 I was just like, so while I'm still waiting for the new learn.freecodecamp, might as well learn something new to waste my time on. I thought of either learning more Rust or Dart. I went for Dart and will be using Flutter not considering that it is still on beta and a lot of things are still tentative and complicated to install. Well at least now I could go ahead tinker with it. Update: Still having some issues but at least now I'm learning about SDKs.

This CSS Variables Tutorial

Why I already used it in my Hello World Sandbox right away after watching this. Now I'm feeling a bit more of a programmer than just a coder 😊 I like that there is a significant amount of programming involved in web development as programming really was my first interest of them all.

Experimental Palette 1

I'm not certain what to do with it yet. Update: upon application, I feel that one of the colors just seem to be errant. It seems to change its quality when used. I don't know exactly how. Maybe it's on how it reacts to adjacent colors. It is this color: #c4d7ed. I've changed it to lightblue instead.