Here I will be documenting my progress towards web development and all the distractions I come across along the way. Why at Because it is something I'm already familiar with that actually utilizes some technologies pertinent to my journey. I remember tinkering with templates before and I realize now that I have actually worked with HTML and CSS before. Also, I remember that html can be used in individual posts so it is a good way to practice them here.
This is my preferred graphics software for desktop and I finally decided to purchased it. I've been using this for a long time mainly because it is what feels intuitive for me to use. Personally it feels more comfortable to use for me than Photoshop and certainly seems more user friendly than Pixlr and Gimp. As an artist first, I need to have a graphics software to always use as opposed to just using whatever is available. Of course becoming a good enough graphics artist is a big part of my plan in becoming a web developer.
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